Thursday 25 February 2016

A Better Way to Search For Medical Jobs has Finally Arrived

If you, like just about everyone else on Earth, have been spending what seems to be millions of years simply trying to find a job online, you’ll be interested to hear that a quiet revolution has taken place. With a certain amount of justice, this big change has happened in the medical sector. Searching for medical jobs, with their almost infinite range of different specializations, can be astonishingly annoying.

It can also be stunningly inefficient. Trying to find jobs in pediatrics, OBGYN jobs or even straightforward family practice jobs can be like trying to win a lottery without actually buying a ticket, and about as productive.

The bottom line here is that this staggering level of inefficiency doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t help job hunters, it certainly doesn’t help employers, and the effect on the general health of the public is anyone’s guess.

At long last, somebody has finally come up with a complete specialist job network for the medical sector. It’s a company called Physician Career Jobs, and they have drastically improved search efficiencies. The idea is pretty straightforward, and deserves credit for creating a very practical approach to medical job advertisements and job hunting.

This specialist network, naturally, doesn’t include all the other jobs that you would expect to find on the big job sites. That means search results are much more relevant, without those ridiculous inclusions that you usually see online. If you search for general surgery jobs, you are not going to have to wade through anything and everything related to those search terms. You will actually get surgery jobs.

They’ve also included plenty of search filters, to refine searches, while ensuring better quality search results. You can search by location, type of employment, area of specialization, to your heart’s desire with a few clicks.

For more information, and a very useful site to bookmark when looking for jobs, visit their website here at The first thing you’ll notice is that this site is extremely easy to navigate. Simply search by category, and follow the prompts. If you need a hand, you can contact them any time.

Finding Surgery Jobs Online, Made Easy

If you’re looking for a job as a surgeon, you will have certainly spent a lot of time trying to disentangle search results on major job sites. The main reason for this is outdated search engines. The other problem is that in the medical sector, particularly in highly specialized areas like surgery, search engines are not configured to manage the degrees of difference and difficulty in areas of specialization.

This is a very common problem, and it is almost mind-bogglingly inefficient. Search results are cluttered with useless irrelevancies, simply because of the use of the word “surgeon” in those other job ads. Anything and everything called “surgeon” is likely to wind up in your search results. If you’re looking for orthopedic surgeon jobs, emergency surgery jobs, you can expect to spend a lot of time looking at things you don’t really need to look at.

The medical sector is well and truly on the wrong end of the short end of the stick in this regard. Even trying to find something as basic and straightforward as family practice jobs can be an “epic adventure” of the wrong kind.

Now the good news – A company called Physician Career Jobs has finally broken through this unholy tangle of useless experiences and created a complete medical jobs-only network. What they’ve done is to basically throw out the entire old search process, and replace it with a very well structured, highly efficient approach to job searches.

One of the obvious big pluses about this approach is that being a medical jobs-only network means that searches are likely to be far more relevant, even at basic levels. They’ve also added a lot of search criteria in search filters to refine searches.

The really big deal, however, is the “network” – They have also sectioned out the different areas of medical specialization into separate search operations. That’s a real breakthrough. If you’re looking for jobs in OBGYN, family practice, or top-level specialist surgery jobs, your searches will be very efficient indeed.

For more information, much better job searches, and for advertisement purposes, visit their website here at

Trying to Find Medical jobs Online Driving You Nuts? A Specialist Job Network to The Rescue

Trying to find medical jobs online can be a truly bizarre experience. The major jobsites are the major problems. These old websites contain gigantic amounts of data, and their search engines really struggle with any area of specialization. Simply searching for jobs in pediatrics or general surgery jobs can be a truly maddening experience. It’s not just medicine; try searching for engineering jobs, and you will find exactly the same problems.

The fact is that the generalist jobsites are now completely and utterly out of date. They were never designed to deal with the degrees of difficulty in modern searches. A lot of modern search engine optimization, in fact, is designed to deal with the problems of what search engines can and can’t do.

Fortunately for the patience and sanity of just about everybody in the global medical sector, somebody has finally come up with the better option. It’s a company called Position Career Jobs, which has created a truly definitive, specialist medical job network.

The big advantages of a specialist job network deserve a mention:

Specialization instantly excludes other types of jobs.

For advertisers, specialization also guarantees heading the target when advertising. The only people use the new job network, naturally, are medical sector people.

Using a modern search engine configuration also means including much better search filters – This in turn means that users can find what they want very quickly, and the entire advertisement process is that much more cost-efficient.

The “frustration factor” is also removed. Job hunters can do a quick efficient search on a daily basis in a reasonable amount of time. This means that job applications are not being made by people who’ve been driven to distraction by inefficient searches and that the quality of job applications is therefore naturally higher. (Job search is perhaps one of the best possible examples of the inter-mix of user experience and business performance.)

Advertisers don’t have to put up with lousy job ad performance. Translate that sentence into dollars, and you will see why that’s such a good idea.

For more information, and to see how a good modern medical jobs website operates, visit their website here at You’ll appreciate the difference.